Now available to buy - Zu Qigong - Foot Energy Work (2nd Edition)


It is hard to believe that I first introduced Zu Qigong to the therapy world in 2014. Much has happened over the intervening years and, as with any new technique, Zu Qigong has slowly evolved and matured. It is a powerful and effective therapy, now used by a growing number of therapists around the world.

Having gradually continued to develop my own theories and understanding of the possible mechanisms involved in this modality, and in sharing ideas about how Zu Qigong can be used and adapted with the talented therapists who have attended training workshops with me, I realised that the time had come to re-evaluate Zu Qigong.  It was time to re-write the story - to produce a 2nd edition of the book, bringing it up to date with my current thinking, truly reflecting how Zu Qigong is being used today, and in doing so, hopefully improving the content and layout of the book to aid the learning process for future workshop students.

Zu Qigong is unique in its approach to gentle touch meridian based therapy. It is specifically designed to work with the eight extraordinary vessels - the deepest channels in the meridian network, the pathways that regulate the 12 organ meridians, and most importantly in these stressful times, as mental health becomes a growing and significant problem, the eight extraordinary vessels are believed to have a powerful influence at the emotional and psychological level.

For therapists with an interest in energy work, Zu Qigong offers a transformative way of thinking and working, based on robust scientific theories, blended with the basics of ancient wisdom; reconnecting with knowledge that has largely been forgotten - eclipsed by our love affair with Western medicine and the clinical model. In developing Zu Qigong I have attempted to demonstrate that it is possible to bridge the gap between the scientific basis that is so revered in the West and the esoteric approach of energy medicine, pulling together the two therapies that I am passionate about.... Qigong and Reflexology. A balance between the Eastern and Western mindset, a technique that is adaptable and accessible to anyone with an interest in exploring the potential of energy medicine to support health and wellbeing for all.

Step back to the future with Zu Qigong!

With knowledge and skill, we can all embrace universal energy, connect with the vibration that pervades and links each of us and everything in our world, for the benefit of ourselves and those we seek to help.

Delivered with care, compassion and positive intention, Zu Qigong foot energy work can offer powerful and positive assistance in overcoming “dis-ease”, promoting and supporting health and wellbeing.

Zu Qigong – foot energy work is a gentle touch, energy-based therapy applied to the feet and lower legs. Unlike many contemporary therapies, this technique fully applies the holistic philosophy of supporting mind, body, and spirit, stepping back from the Western clinical model, there is no diagnosing or treating specific symptoms or conditions. Providing an unconditional exchange of energy (Qi) between client and therapist, acknowledging the inherent healing capacity of the human body, Zu Qigong works  in harmony with the ebb and flow of the complex energy distribution system, delivering Qi – the subtle vibration of gentle touch, across the whole energy network, incorporating the deepest pathways – the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, to encourage the flow and balance of energy throughout the body.

Designed to capture the gentle, focused, and mindful approach of the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of Qigong, this technique offers the therapist an approach that can provide a deeply relaxing and meditative experience for both client and therapist alike…..a pleasure to give and receive.


Now available to buy via the website shop in 2 formats - a physical book or as a PDF download.

A4, 184 pages, spiral bound, illustrated in full colour  - charts, diagrams, and photo instructions throughout.


             Currently unavailable  - Zu Qigong now under new management




We are all connected via the energy of the Universe - Heaven and Earth.